Introduction to biases in epidemiological delays

Nowcasting and forecasting of infectious disease dynamics

Biases in epidemiological delays

Why might our estimates of epidemiological delays be biased?

  • data reliability and representativeness
  • intrinsic issues with data collection and recording

Issue #1: Double censoring

  • reporting of events usually as a date (not date + precise time)
  • for short delays this can make quite a difference
  • accounting for it incorrectly can introduce more bias than doing nothing

Double censoring: example

We are trying to estimate an incubation period. For person A we know exposure happened on day 1 and symptom onset on day 3.

Double censoring: example

We are trying to estimate an incubation period. For person A we know exposure happened on day 1 and symptom onset on day 3.

Double censoring: example

We are trying to estimate an incubation period. For person A we know exposure happened on day 1 and symptom onset on day 3.

Double censoring: example

We are trying to estimate an incubation period. For person A we know exposure happened on day 1 and symptom onset on day 3.

The true incubation period of A could be anywhere between 1 and 3 days (but not all equally likely).

Issue #2: right truncation

  • reporting of events can be triggered by the secondary event
  • in that case, longer delays might be missing because whilst the primary events have occurred the secondary events have not occurred yet

Example: right truncation

We are trying to estimate an incubation period. Each arrow represents one person with an associated pair of events (infection and symptom onset).

Example: right truncation

We are trying to estimate an incubation period. Each arrow represents one person with an associated pair of events (infection and symptom onset).

Example: right truncation

We are trying to estimate an incubation period. Each arrow represents one person with an associated pair of events (infection and symptom onset).

Example: right truncation

We are trying to estimate an incubation period. Each arrow represents one person with an associated pair of events (infection and symptom onset)

On the day of analysis we have not observed some delays yet, and these tended to be longer. This is made worse during periods of exponential growth.

Censoring and right truncation

  • When analysing data from an outbreak in real time, we are likely to have double censoring and right truncation, making things worse
  • In the practical we will only look at the two separately to keep things simple

Your Turn

  1. Simulate epidemiological delays with biases
  2. Estimate parameters of a delay distribution, correcting for biases

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