We’ll need to estimate things (delays, reproduction numbers, case numbers now and in the future)
We’ll want to correctly specify uncertainty
We’ll want to incorporate our domain expertise
We’ll do this using Bayesian inference
Probability theory is nothing but common sense reduced to calculation.
Normalisation: \[ \int p(a) da = 1 \]
Marginal probabilities: \[ p(a) = \int_{} p(a, b) db\]
Idea of Bayesian inference: treat \(\theta\) as random variables (with a probability distribution) and condition on data: posterior probability \(p(\theta | \mathrm{data})\) as target of inference.
\[ p(\theta | \textrm{data}) = \frac{p(\textrm{data} | \theta) p(\theta)}{p(\textrm{data})}\]
\(p(\textrm{data} | \theta)\) is the /likelihood/
\(p(\textrm{data})\) is a /normalisation constant/
In words, \[\textrm{(posterior)} \propto \textrm{(normalised likelihood)} \times \textrm{(prior)}\]
Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is a method to generate samples from the posterior distribution, the target of inference
stan is a probabilistic programming language that helps you to write down probabilistic models and to fit them using MCMC samplers and other methods.
Introduction to statistical concepts used in the course