Session 0: Introduction and course overview
Monday June 24: 9.00-9.30
- Introduction to the course and the instructors (10 mins)
- Motivating the course: From an epidemiological line list to informing decisions in real-time (20 mins)
Session 1: R, Stan, and statistical concept background
Monday June 24: 9.30-10.30
- Introduction to statistical concepts used in the course (15 mins)
- Introduction to stan concepts used in the course (15 mins)
- Practice session: introduction to estimation in stan (30 mins)
Session 2: Delay distributions
Monday June 24: 11.00-11.45
- Introduction to epidemiological delays and how to represent them with probability distributions (10 mins)
- Practice session: simulate and estimate epidemiological delays (30 mins)
- Wrap up (5 mins)
Session 3: Biases in delay distributions
Monday June 24: 11.45-12.30 and 14.00-14.45
- Introduction to biases in delay distributions (10 mins)
- Practice session: Simulating biases in delay distributions and estimating delays without adjustment on these data (35 mins)
- Practice session: estimating delay distributions with adjustments for bias (35 mins)
- Wrap up (10 mins)
Session 4: Using delay distributions to model the data generating process of an epidemic
Monday June 24: 14.45-15.30
- Using delay distributions to model the data generating process of an epidemic (15 mins)
- Practice session: implementing a convolution model and identifying potential problems (30 mins)
Session 5: \(R_t\) estimation and the renewal equation
Monday June 24: 16.00-17.30
- Introduction to the time-varying reproduction number (10 mins)
- Practice session: using the renewal equation to estimate R (35 mins)
- Practice session: combining \(R_t\) estimation with delay distribution convolutions (35 mins)
- Wrap up (10 mins)
Session 6: Nowcasting concepts
Tuesday June 25: 9.00-10.30
- Introduction to nowcasting as a right-truncation problem (10 mins)
- Practice session: Simulating the delay distribution (35 mins)
- Practice session: Nowcasting using pre-estimated delay distributions (35 mins)
- Wrap up (10 mins)
Session 7: Nowcasting with an unknown reporting delay
Tuesday June 25: 11.00-12.30
- Introduction to joint estimation of delays and nowcasts (10 mins)
- Practice session: Joint estimation of delays and nowcasts (35 mins)
- Practice session: Joint estimation of delays, nowcasts and reproduction numbers (35 mins)
- Wrap up (10 mins)
Session 8: Forecasting concepts
Tuesday June 25: 14.00-15.30
- Introduction to forecasting as an epidemiological problem, and its relationship with nowcasting and \(R_t\) estimation (10 mins)
- Practice session: extending a model into the future (35 minutes)
- Practice session: evaluate your forecast (35 mins)
- Wrap up (10 mins)
Session 9: Forecasting models
Tuesday June 25: 16.00-17.30
- An overview of forecasting models (10 mins)
- Practice session: Evaluating forecasts from a range of models (60 mins)
- Wrap up and discussion (20 mins)
Session 10: Examples of available tools
Tuesday June 25: 9.00-10.30
- Introduction to tools for \(R_t\) estimation, nowcasting and forecasting (5 mins)
- Group work: explore a tool and relate it to key concepts in the course (30 mins)
- Discussion (15 mins)
- Individual exploration of all packages (35 mins)
- Wrap up (5 mins)
Session 11: Methods in the real world
Wednesday June 26: 11.00-12.00
- Presentations and Q&A on uses of nowcasts & forecasts in the real world (60 mins)
Session 12: End of course summary
Wednesday June 26: 12.00-12.30
- Summary of the course (10 mins)
- Final discussion and closing (20 mins)